acid sulfhidric formula review

acid sulfhidric formula review

1 year ago 36

Sulfuric acid is a clear, colorless to brown, odorless liquid that is very corrosive. It is also called sulphine acid, battery acid, and hydrogen sulfate. Sulfuric acid is used to make storage batteries, fertilizers, paper products, textiles, explosives, and pharmaceuticals, and in steel and iron production.

Composition/Information on Ingredients:

  • Sulfuric Acid (7664-93-9) 52 - 100%
  • Water (7732-18-5) 0 - 48%

Sulfuric acid reacts violently with alcohol and water to release heat and will also react violently or explosively with organic materials, combustibles, strong bases, reducing agents, hydrogen peroxide, azides, alkali hydrides, nitromethane, and many other substances. It is not compatible with strong acids such as hydrochloric and nitric, moisture, amines, and many other substances. Sulfuric acid reacts with most metals to produce flammable and explosive hydrogen gas.


  • Sulfuric acid is very corrosive and can cause severe burns and eye damage.
  • It reacts violently with water and can release heat.
  • It is harmful to aquatic organisms.
  • Sulfuric acid is on the Right to Know Hazardous Substance List because it is cited by OSHA, ACGIH, DOT, NIOSH, and NFPA.
  • It is a nonflammable, noncombustible solution.

It is important to handle sulfuric acid with care and use protective gloves, protective clothing, and eye protection when handling it. In case of a spill, it should be neutralized with sodium bicarbonate or calcium hydroxide and deposited in a sealed bag or container.

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