acne scar removal cream by dermatologist review

acne scar removal cream by dermatologist review

1 year ago 47

After reviewing several sources, it appears that there is no single acne scar removal cream recommended by dermatologists. However, there are several ingredients and treatments that dermatologists recommend for treating acne scars. Here are some details on positive and negative aspects of these treatments:


  • Retinoids: These are powerful acne treatments that can help reduce hyperpigmentation, skin discoloration, and some skin scarring by increasing skin cell turnover and stimulating collagen. Prescription retinoids are the most effective topical treatments for acne scars, but long-term use of adapalene, the only OTC retinoid currently on the market, can also be helpful at reducing acne scarring.

  • Lactic acid: This ingredient can help brighten the area and even the skin texture to gradually reduce the appearance of scars.

  • Kojic acid: This ingredient can also help brighten the area and even the skin texture to gradually reduce the appearance of scars.

  • Vitamin C: This ingredient can help brighten dark marks or red spots.

  • Peptides: These ingredients stimulate collagen and can help with atrophic acne scars.

  • Glycolic and lactic acids: These ingredients have resurfacing properties and can help with atrophic acne scars.


  • Acne scar surgery: This minor surgery can be performed by a dermatologist to treat very noticeable acne scars. The goal is to create a less noticeable scar. The remaining scar should fade with time.

  • Resurfacing procedures: These procedures can help with atrophic acne scars. They include chemical peels, laser treatments, and radiofrequency microneedling.

  • Injections: Dermatologists often treat raised scars with injections of corticosteroids, 5-FU, or interferon.

Its important to note that at-home acne scar treatments are generally limited to surface-level acne scars and will not adequately treat deeper scars caused by more difficult types of chronic acne bumpiness or deep distressed. Additionally, the effectiveness of topical over-the-counter products would be proportional to the severity and depth of scarring. Therefore, treating deep acne scars usually requires a series of treatments at the dermatologists office over time.

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