Aloe vera is a plant that produces two substances used in healthcare products: clear gel and yellow latex. The gel contains most of the beneficial bioactive compounds in the plant, including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants. Some of the positive properties of aloe vera include:
Antibacterial and antifungal: Aloe vera contains polyphenols and other compounds that help inhibit the growth of certain bacteria and fungi that can cause infections in humans.
Wound healing: Aloe vera gel seems to speed up wound healing by improving blood circulation.
Skin conditions: Aloe gel might help some skin conditions like psoriasis, and applying a cream containing aloe extract 0.5% for 4 weeks seems to reduce skin plaques.
Blood sugar management: Aloe vera may help manage blood sugar levels.
Antioxidant: Aloe vera has antioxidant properties.
However, there are also some negative properties of aloe vera. For example, aloe latex contains chemicals that work as a laxative and can decrease potassium levels in the body. Some people may also be allergic to aloe vera.
When buying aloe vera products, it is important to avoid products that leave in a substance called Anthraquiones, which are latex-like chemicals between the gel and the rind. The Anthraquiones are what makes it sticky and hard, and they can be harmful. Aloe should be the first ingredient listed on the label, and supplements should not include ‘inner leaf gel’ or ‘juice capsules’ .