copal incense benefits review

copal incense benefits review

1 year ago 40

Copal incense is a type of incense made from the sap of native trees of the Buresa family in South America. It is a smoky, sweet incense used by the indigenous tribes of the Americas for ceremonies and rituals. Copal is believed to have many benefits, including:


  • Mental Uplifting and Calming Effects: Copal is rich in triterpenes that have been shown to significantly reduce anxiety.
  • Spiritual Benefits: Copal is linked with the crown chakra, deepening connection to the mystical and encouraging pure thoughts during meditation. Copal also helps to strengthen the auric body, helping to remove stagnant energy. It is believed that Copal unites the energizing force of the sun with the grounding properties of the earth, drawing out and transmuting negative energy on every level.
  • Cleansing: Copal has a long history of traditional use as a space clearer, eradicating negative energy from places and objects. It’s clean, light and woody scent is said to bring a positive and loving energy that will fill the home with peaceful energies.
  • Relaxation: Copal incense has a calming effect on the body and mind, making it an excellent tool for reducing stress and promoting relaxation. The aroma of copal incense can help soothe the nervous system, allowing you to unwind and release tension.
  • Improves Focus and Concentration: The aroma of copal incense can help improve focus and concentration, making it an excellent tool for studying or working on creative projects. The calming effect of incense can help clear the mind and improve mental clarity.

Negative: There are no known negative effects of using copal incense.

Ingredients or Materials: Copal incense is made from the sap of native trees of the Buresa family in South America. The resin is mixed with natural ingredients to create copal incense sticks. The ingredients of copal incense sticks may vary depending on the manufacturer, but they typically include copal resin, bamboo, coconut, Cyprus wood, fruit juice, and cornstarch.

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