corner of lips cracked treatment review

corner of lips cracked treatment review

1 year ago 41

Dry, cracked corners of the mouth, also known as angular cheilitis, can be caused by dry weather, excessive saliva in the form of drooling or lip licking, medical conditions like eczema or allergic contact dermatitis, dentures, mask wearing, the use of pacifiers, and in some cases, a vitamin B12 deficiency. Lip balms or Chapstick can sometimes worsen the condition, so its best to avoid them. However, some products can help keep the corners of your lips free of dryness, including:

  • Petroleum jelly: A thick ointment like petroleum jelly can work well for sealing water for long periods of time, which allows moisture to be locked into your lips.

  • Dr. Dans Cortibalm: This lip balm contains beeswax, petroleum jelly, mineral oil, and 1% hydrocortisone, which can help heal severely chapped lips.

  • Antibacterial Skin Repair: This product contains natural, organic ingredients like calendula and jojoba seed oil that can help treat fissures, folliculitis, angular cheilitis, impetigo, chilblains, lichen sclerosus, and cellulitis.

Its important to note that if your symptoms are severe, you should seek medical attention. A dermatologist can rule out an underlying allergy or nutrient deficiency and ensure that your chapped lips arent actually something more serious, like actinic cheilitis.

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