Credo Beauty is a clean beauty retailer that prioritizes safety, sustainability, and ethics in their products. They have a "Dirty List" of over 2,700 ingredients that they prohibit or restrict due to safety and/or sustainability concerns. They also ask their brand partners to avoid using ingredients that may have environmental or safety concerns. Here are some details about Credo Beautys products:
- Credo Beauty prioritizes safety, sustainability, and ethics in their products.
- They encourage brands to use natural or naturally-derived ingredients instead of petroleum-derived ingredients whenever possible.
- They require and guide brands through a variety of raw material and final product testing to ensure product safety.
- Credo Beauty prohibits or restricts over 2,700 ingredients due to safety and/or sustainability concerns.
- They do not carry talcum powder, and they ask companies using talc in their products to test for heavy metal contamination and seek materials from suppliers that guarantee they do not use child labor.
Ingredients or materials:
- Credo Beauty allows carmine, lanolin, keratin, and beeswax.
- They encourage brands to use natural or naturally-derived ingredients instead of petroleum-derived ingredients whenever possible, but they do not prohibit all petroleum-derived or synthetic ingredients.
- They prohibit or restrict over 2,700 ingredients due to safety and/or sustainability concerns.
Overall, Credo Beauty is a clean beauty retailer that prioritizes safety, sustainability, and ethics in their products. They prohibit or restrict over 2,700 ingredients due to safety and/or sustainability concerns, and they encourage brands to use natural or naturally-derived ingredients whenever possible. They require and guide brands through a variety of raw material and final product testing to ensure product safety.