do you get vitamin d from tanning beds review

do you get vitamin d from tanning beds review

1 year ago 41

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, getting enough vitamin D from tanning beds is not possible. The bulbs used in tanning beds emit mostly UVA light, but the body needs UVB light to make vitamin D. To get vitamin D safely, dermatologists recommend that healthy adults get vitamin D from their diet, including foods naturally rich in vitamin D and foods and beverages fortified with vitamin D. While some studies suggest that sunbeds could be a better source of vitamin D than diet, it is important to remember that even professional organizations provide inaccurate information about this topic. It is also important to note that using tanning beds to achieve a suntan cannot be done in the absence of a trained professional. In summary, tanning beds are not a reliable source of vitamin D, and it is recommended to get vitamin D from dietary sources instead.

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