envious definition review

envious definition review

1 year ago 38

Definition of Envy

Envy is an emotion that occurs when a person lacks anothers superior quality, achievement, or possession and either desires it or wishes that the other lacked it. It is a negative emotion that can be caused by wealth, power, beauty, or any other quality that one desires but does not possess. Envy is characterized by feelings of resentment, bitterness, and jealousy.

Positive and Negative Aspects of Envy

Envy can be either benign or malicious. Benign envy involves recognizing that someone else is better off and aspiring to be as good as them. It can provide emulation, improvement motivation, positive thoughts about the other person, and admiration. If dealt with correctly, benign envy can positively affect a persons future by motivating them to be a better person and to succeed. On the other hand, malicious envy is an unpleasant emotion that causes the envious person to want to bring down the better-off even at their own cost. It can lead to schadenfreude, hostility, and resentment.

Ingredients or Materials

Envy is an emotion and does not have any ingredients or materials associated with it. It is a psychological state that arises from a persons thoughts and feelings.

In conclusion, envy is a negative emotion that arises when a person desires something that another person possesses. It can be either benign or malicious, and it is characterized by feelings of resentment, bitterness, and jealousy. Envy is a psychological state and does not have any ingredients or materials associated with it.

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