grade 1 soap review

grade 1 soap review

1 year ago 86

Soap products can be graded based on their Total Fatty Matter (TFM) content, which is the percentage of fatty matter a soap contains. A higher TFM content indicates a higher quality soap with better cleansing and moisturizing properties. Toilet soaps are typically graded into three categories based on their TFM content: Grade 1 soaps have a minimum TFM content of 76%, Grade 2 soaps have a minimum TFM content of 70%, and Grade 3 soaps have a minimum TFM content of 60%. Bathing bars and laundry soaps are also graded based on their TFM content. When choosing a soap, it is important to read the label and look for the TFM content or try to guess the quality by reading the ingredients.

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