homemade hair mask for hair growth and thickness review

homemade hair mask for hair growth and thickness review

1 year ago 38

Here are some homemade hair mask recipes that can help promote hair growth and thickness:

  1. Coconut oil, lemon, yogurt, and egg hair mask: This mask is great for dry hair and contains hydrating ingredients like coconut oil and yogurt. Mix 1 teaspoon of coconut oil, juice of 1 lemon, 1/2 cup plain yogurt, and 1 egg together.

  2. Dark chocolate, theobromine, and cinnamon hair mask: This mask works to promote thickness and boost growth stimulating blood flow. Mix 5 ounces of coconut cream, 1/2 cup of antioxidant-rich dark chocolate, theobromine, and cinnamon together.

  3. Papaya and banana hair mask: This mask is great for longer and thicker hair and can be made by blending papaya cubes and banana slices in a blender to form a smooth paste. Combine the banana and papaya paste with 1-2 tablespoons of raw honey.

  4. Onion juice hair mask: This mask is a great remedy for treating thin hair. Onion juice increases blood circulation and promotes hair growth. Combine one onion juice with 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil.

  5. Honey and olive oil hair mask: This mask is great for repairing hair damage and adding shine to hair. Mix raw organic honey and extra virgin olive oil together.

Positive aspects of homemade hair masks include affordability, easy accessibility of ingredients, and the ability to customize ingredients to suit individual hair needs. Negative aspects may include the time and effort required to make and apply the mask, as well as the potential for allergic reactions to certain ingredients.

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