Tea tree oil is a natural ingredient that can help with various hair conditions, such as dandruff and hair loss. It is known to help clean the hair, keep it strong, and reduce dandruff. Tea tree oil is extremely concentrated and may irritate skin, so it is best to use it with a carrier oil. Here are some ways to use tea tree oil for hair:
1. Mix with shampoo
- Add 10-15 drops of tea tree oil to every ounce of shampoo and massage it onto the hair.
- Leave it on for 3-5 minutes before rinsing thoroughly.
2. Mix with carrier oil
- Mix a few drops of tea tree oil with a carrier oil like almond or grapeseed oil.
- Massage the mixture onto the scalp and leave it on for approximately 10 minutes before washing as usual.
3. Use a tea tree oil shampoo
- Look for a shampoo that contains tea tree oil in the ingredient list.
- Use it regularly to get the benefits of tea tree oil for hair.
It is important to note that tea tree oil contains 1,8-cineole, which is known to irritate some people’s skin. Therefore, it is best to test any product with tea tree oil on the lower inside of your arm first and wait 12 to 24 hours to see if you have a reaction. If it burns or causes a rash or redness, avoid using the product.
In summary, tea tree oil can be an effective way to help with dandruff and get healthy hair. It is best to use it with a carrier oil or in a shampoo that contains tea tree oil. However, it is important to test any product with tea tree oil on your skin before use to avoid any irritation.