how to clear bacne review

how to clear bacne review

1 year ago 33

To clear bacne, there are several tips and products that can be used. Here are some positive and negative details, as well as ingredients or materials that can be used:


  • Avoid certain medications that can cause acne.
  • Limit the use of oil-based skin-care products.
  • Eliminate pressure on your back.
  • Wear clean clothes.
  • Talk to your doctor about your nutrition.


  • Salicylic-acid mist: Spritz your back with salicylic-acid mist to help control back acne and reduce breakouts.
  • Benzoyl peroxide: This helps to kill the bacteria that cause acne. Used daily, it can help control back acne and reduce breakouts.
  • Salicylic acid: This ingredient treats acne by drying it out. It can be found in many over-the-counter and prescription skin care products.
  • Mud or charcoal mask: These can work as all-over treatments or they can be used on a few spots on your chest. Both mud and charcoal fight acne by drawing out impurities. These ingredients may also soften your skin at the same time.

It is important to note that over-treating the area can cause irritation and inflammation, so it is recommended to not overdo it. Additionally, if your bacne is more severe, oral medication such as antibiotics or Spironolactone in combination with hormonal birth control can be the quickest way to clear things up.

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