how to control fatty liver review

how to control fatty liver review

1 year ago 69

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a condition where liver cells become filled with fat, which can cause injury to the liver and lead to cirrhosis, liver cancer, or liver failure. The first line of treatment for overweight or obese individuals with NAFLD is gradual weight loss, through a combination of calorie reduction, exercise, and healthy eating. Here are some practical dietary recommendations for the prevention and management of NAFLD:

Foods to eat:

  • Fruits and vegetables
  • High-fiber plants like legumes and whole grains

Foods to avoid:

  • Alcohol
  • Foods high in added sugar, salt, refined carbohydrates, and saturated fat

Other tips:

  • Avoid weight gain and maintain a healthy body mass index (18 to 25) by eating healthy and exercising regularly.
  • Lower blood lipid levels by watching your saturated fat and sugar intake to help manage your cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
  • Manage diabetes, which often occurs together with NAFLD, through diet and exercise.
  • Beware of engaging in risky behaviors that can increase your risk of acquiring viral hepatitis, such as illicit drug use or having unprotected sex with multiple partners.
  • Talk to your doctor before considering the use of herbal medicines or complementary and alternative treatments for liver disease, as many of them may cause liver damage in susceptible people.

Its important to note that while some common ingredients in liver cleanses have been shown to have positive results, such as milk thistle decreasing liver inflammation and turmeric extract protecting against liver injury, there have not been adequate clinical trial data in humans to recommend the routine use of these natural compounds for prevention.

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