how to get vitamin d from sun review

how to get vitamin d from sun review

1 year ago 51

Vitamin D is essential for bone strength and may support the immune system and other functions. The human body produces vitamin D in response to sun exposure, and it is also available in some foods and supplements. Here are some ways to get vitamin D from the sun:

  • Sun exposure: Sun exposure is the best way to boost vitamin D levels, particularly because very few foods contain significant amounts of vitamin D. When your skin is exposed to sunlight, it makes vitamin D from cholesterol. The sun’s ultraviolet B (UVB) rays hit cholesterol in the skin cells, providing the energy for vitamin D synthesis to occur. Midday, especially during summer, is the best time to get sunlight. At noon, the sun is at its highest point, and its UVB rays are most intense. That means you need less time in the sun to make sufficient vitamin D. Although there’s no official recommendation, sources suggest that as few as 8–15 minutes of exposure is enough to make plenty of vitamin D for lighter-skinned individuals. Those with darker skin may need more time.

  • Skin tone and age: Skin tone and age can affect the bodys ability to absorb ultraviolet B (UVB) rays from the sun, which are essential for the skin to produce vitamin D. Pigmentation in the skin reduces the body’s ability to absorb UVB rays from the sun.

  • Geographical location and season: People who live in northern latitudes or areas with limited sun exposure due to being inside much of the time may have insufficient levels of vitamin D.

  • Sunscreen and clothing: Sunscreen and clothing that covers the skin can limit vitamin D absorption by more than 90% .

While sun exposure is the best way to get vitamin D, its important to do so safely and avoid overexposure to UV radiation. Too much sunlight comes with its own health risks, such as skin damage and skin cancer. Therefore, its important to balance sun exposure with other sources of vitamin D, such as supplements and certain foods.

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