is green eyes rare review

is green eyes rare review

1 year ago 52

Green eyes are considered to be the rarest eye color in the world, with only about 2% of the world population naturally having green eyes. Green eyes are a genetic mutation that results in low levels of melanin, though more melanin than in blue eyes. Green eyes may be more sensitive to UV light due to the relative lack of pigment in the iris, which affects how the iris and retina are protected against harmful UV rays. However, green-eyed people can have myopia, astigmatism, or hyperopia, just like people with any other eye color.

As for cleaning products and cosmetics, some products advertised as "green" or "natural" may contain ingredients that can cause health problems. It is important to read all labels and follow instructions when using cleaning products, and to do a little research on the product from a reliable source. When it comes to cosmetics, there are some toxic ingredients to avoid, such as parabens, phthalates, and synthetic fragrances.

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