jean michel cohen review

jean michel cohen review

1 year ago 35

Jean-Michel Cohen is a French nutritionist and author, best known for his book "Savoir Maigrir" (Know How to Lose Weight) . He is also the creator of the Parisian Diet and the Bon Appétit Diet.

Regarding the product details of Savoir Maigrir, the book is available in French and can be purchased on Amazon. It is a pocket edition published by POCKET in March 2012.

Dr. Jean Michel Cohens ActiBox is a weight loss program that includes a variety of products. By opening each products profile, you can find its ingredients, nutritional information, user reviews, and comments by a trusted coach. However, it is not clear which specific products are included in the ActiBox program.

There is no information available on the positive or negative effects of Jean-Michel Cohens products or ingredients.

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