moisturiser or sunscreen first review

moisturiser or sunscreen first review

10 months ago 21

The order in which you apply moisturizer and sunscreen depends on the type of sunscreen you use. Chemical sunscreens should be applied before moisturizer, while mineral sunscreens can be applied last. Here are some additional details about the two types of sunscreen:

Chemical Sunscreen

  • Contains ingredients such as oxybenzone, avobenzone, and octinoxate
  • Absorbs UV rays from the sun and converts them into heat energy that can be dissipated from your skin
  • Should be applied before moisturizer

Mineral Sunscreen

  • Contains minerals such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide
  • Acts as a protective shield, deflecting the harmful radiations of the sun and not allowing them to enter your skin
  • Can feel a little heavy on the skin and leave a whitish tint on the applied area
  • Can be applied last

Its generally not recommended to mix sunscreen with moisturizer, as the properties in the moisturizer could potentially inactivate the ingredients in the sunscreen. However, you can opt for a product that has both moisturizing and sunscreen properties to avoid this confusion. Just make sure that the product has a sufficiently high SPF to protect your skin.

When it comes to choosing a moisturizer or sunscreen, keep in mind that skin needs fluctuate with seasons, hormones, age, and other environmental factors. You may have dry skin during winter, or more sensitive skin in spring. Which means it’s likely that you’re going to want different moisturizers at different times, and finding one with both adequate sun protection and hydration might prove to be tricky.

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