natura active review

natura active review

1 year ago 37

There is no specific information about Natura Active product details in the given search results. However, there is information about natural ingredients, their positive and negative effects, and the ingredients used in personal care products. Here are some key takeaways:

  • Natural ingredients are chemical compounds that come from the plant, mineral, animal, or microbial kingdom. They are obtained by processes of physical extraction, without any transformation of their constituents.

  • Ingredients of natural origin have undergone transformation of their constituents, but this transformation respects the principles of environmentally-friendly green chemistry that uses minimum energy and solvents and generates minimum waste.

  • Synthetic ingredients are produced using chemistry to produce active molecules whose resources in the natural state are depleted or found in small quantities in nature.

  • Natural products have played a key role in drug discovery, especially for cancer and infectious diseases.

  • Cosmetics and personal care products are notoriously under-regulated, and companies often use marketing terms like "naturally derived," "nontoxic," and "clean" without any regulation.

  • Some common chemicals used in personal care products that can be harmful include butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), diethanolamine (DEA), formaldehyde, and fragrance formulas.

  • Natural ingredients can be positive for the environment and the people who helped make them, but they can also be dangerous if used in inappropriate doses.

  • Natural doesnt necessarily mean safer or better, and "natural" medicines are not without side effects.

  • Greener cleaning products have minimal presence of or exposure to potentially harmful chemicals, use renewable resources, and have low VOC content.

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