There are no search results that provide information on a "nose talent movie product" or any product related to it. However, based on the search results, we can provide information on the following topics:
Character portrayal in movies: The portrayal of a character in a movie can be phrased by the formula: Dialogue + Physical Movement = Character. To create a three-dimensional character with a well-developed background, the movie has to illustrate the character’s sociology, psychology, and physiology. Since a movie is a visual experience, the sociology and psychology, along with the physiology, are subtly portrayed visually by the physical movements and the dialogue the character displays in any particular situation. Physiology is included in this portrayal because many movie characters are self-conscious of their physical appearances, like Cyrano de Bergerac who was self-conscious of his nose.
Positive and negative symptoms of drug use: Psychosis can be caused by stimulant drug use during intoxication and depressant drug/alcohol use during withdrawal.
Developing character through literature: There is a resource book for teachers on developing character through literature.
Electronic-nose technologies: Advances in electronic-nose technologies have improved product attributes, uniformity, and consistency as a result of increases in quality control capabilities.
National Film Registry titles: The Library of Congress has brief descriptions and expanded essays of National Film Registry titles. The authors of these essays are experts in their fields and provide insight into the films.
Perfumers: Master perfumers are sometimes called a "nez" for good reason. They commit hundreds of scents to memory and can distinguish between ingredients that would smell identical to the untrained nose. Many perfumers can also tell an essential oil from a synthetic material. Perfume-makers work with some unusual ingredients, such as ambergris, which comes from the excrement of sperm whales, and squid and cuttlefish bits. They keep wool nearby to clear their sense of smell between scents.