odu parking review

odu parking review

1 year ago 41

ODU Parking and Transportation Services has strict regulations that all motor vehicles parked in facilities owned, leased, or operated by ODU must follow. Here are some details about ODU parking:


  • ODU has a virtual permit system that uses License Plate Recognition to enforce permit usage. With this technology, your license plate is your permit.
  • Parking Permits can be purchased online through the ODU Parking Portal with a credit card or in person at the Transportation & Parking Office with Cash, Check, Money Order, Credit Card (Mastercard, Visa, Discover, American Express), or Monarch Plus.
  • ODU offers a variety of parking options, including hourly parking payment, permits, and designated event parking areas.
  • ODU encourages students to purchase their permit online in the ODU Parking Portal.


  • ODU Parking and Transportation Services is not responsible for any damage that occurs to a vehicle while on campus.
  • ODU Parking Regulations are strictly enforced on campus, so please always use your permit correctly to avoid getting ticketed, booted, or towed.
  • ODU works with its neighbors to reduce traffic flow and parking in nearby off-campus neighborhoods, and students are expected to help ODU be a good neighbor.


There is no information available about the materials used in ODU parking.


There is no information available about the ingredients used in ODU parking.

In summary, all vehicles parked on campus must either be registered to a valid ODU permit, display a valid paper permit, park at a paid hourly parking space, or park in a designated event parking area during a University-sponsored special event. ODU has a virtual permit system that uses License Plate Recognition to enforce permit usage, and parking permits can be purchased online or in person. ODU Parking Regulations are strictly enforced on campus, and students are expected to help ODU be a good neighbor.

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