oraldene mouthwash review

oraldene mouthwash review

1 year ago 55

Oraldene is a mouthwash that contains 0.1% w/v hexetidine as its active ingredient. It is indicated for use in minor mouth infections including thrush, as an aid in the prevention and treatment of gingivitis, and in the management of sore throat and recurrent aphthous ulcers. Oraldene is also of value in the alleviation of halitosis and pre- and post-dental surgery.

Here are some positive aspects of Oraldene:

  • It is effective in treating minor mouth infections, gingivitis, sore throat, and recurrent aphthous ulcers.
  • It can alleviate halitosis.

Here are some negative aspects of Oraldene:

  • Oraldene contains ethanol (96%) as an excipient, which may be a concern for some people.
  • Oraldene is not recommended for children under 12 years of age.

The ingredients of Oraldene include hexetidine, ethanol, and azorubine (E122) . Hexetidine is the active ingredient that provides the therapeutic benefits of the mouthwash. Ethanol is an excipient that may be a concern for some people. Azorubine (E122) is a food coloring agent that gives Oraldene its red color.

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