Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic practice that involves swishing oil in the mouth to improve oral health. Coconut oil is a popular choice for oil pulling due to its effectiveness and health benefits. When it comes to choosing between refined and unrefined coconut oil for oil pulling, there are some differences to consider.
Unrefined Coconut Oil
- Unrefined coconut oil is also known as virgin coconut oil and is extracted from coconut meat using a dry or wet method.
- It is less processed and therefore likely to be gentler on the skin and hair.
- It has a strong coconut flavor and lower smoke point, which makes it less suitable for cooking and baking.
- It is recommended for oil pulling therapy as it is truly “raw” – unheated, unrefined, and may contain micronutrients and co-factors not present in expeller-pressed coconut oils which are heated as part of the refining process.
Refined Coconut Oil
- Refined coconut oil undergoes some additional processing steps and is mostly flavorless.
- It has a higher smoke point than unrefined coconut oil, making it a better choice for frying.
- It has a milder scent and flavor, which makes it a better choice for skin and hair care.
- It still has similar health benefits to unrefined versions, as long as youre choosing a high-quality one.
In summary, unrefined coconut oil is recommended for oil pulling therapy due to its raw and unprocessed nature, which may contain micronutrients and co-factors not present in expeller-pressed coconut oils. However, refined coconut oil is a better choice for frying due to its higher smoke point, and it has a milder scent and flavor, making it a better choice for skin and hair care. Ultimately, the choice between refined and unrefined coconut oil for oil pulling depends on personal preference and intended use.