should u exfoliate before or after shaving review

should u exfoliate before or after shaving review

1 year ago 41

According to multiple sources, including Dove, Southern Living, Kinder Beauty, and MindBodyGreen, it is best to exfoliate before shaving. Exfoliating before shaving helps to remove dead skin cells, excess oil, and dirt, which can reduce the chances of inflammation and redness occurring right after shaving and as hairs begin to grow back. Additionally, exfoliating before shaving can help to loosen the free edge of hairs that may be trapped under the skin, which can give you a smoother shave and lower the likelihood of razor bumps or irritation.

However, some sources suggest that exfoliating after shaving can also be beneficial. Exfoliating after shaving can help to prevent ingrown hairs and remove any dead skin cells that may have been missed during the shaving process.

Overall, it seems that both pre-shave and post-shave exfoliation can be beneficial for achieving silky, soft skin. It is important to note that if you have sensitive skin, you should be careful with exfoliating before shaving.

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