slu parking review

slu parking review

1 year ago 36

SLU Parking Product Details:

  • Permits: Parking permits for Saint Louis University can be purchased year-round online via mySLU. At SLU, parking permits are virtual and are tracked by your license plate number, which you will enter online. You can also quickly update information or add multiple vehicles to an account. To obtain a permit, go to the "Tools" tab in the mySLU portal and click on “Parking." Here you can purchase a permit, update license plate information, add vehicles, pay citations and more.

  • Parking Regulations: All faculty, staff, students, and visitors parking a vehicle at Saint Louis University must comply with University and state parking regulations, policies, and procedures. All motor vehicle parking is at the risk of the vehicle owner. The University is not responsible or liable for loss or damages by reason of fire, theft, collision, or other cause to parked vehicles or contents of the same. The vehicle owner and occupants assume full responsibility for any personal injuries that may occur while the vehicle is parked on SLU property.

  • Disabled Parking: SLU’s Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity authorizes disabled parking access on campus to those with a valid SLU parking permit. A disabled parking application and supporting documentation must be submitted and reviewed before authorization for disabled parking is approved.

  • Visitor Parking: Visitor garages are located on both the north and south campuses. Parking is not available in the visitor sections of the Laclede, Olive, and Hickory garages. The visitor sections of Laclede and Olive garages (indicated by blue pillars with white lettering reading "Visitor") are reserved for visitors only 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

  • Tobacco-Free Policy: Consistent with the University’s Tobacco-Free Policy, SLU is 100% tobacco-free, and tobacco is defined to include, but not be limited to, any lit cigarette, cigar, pipe, bidis, clove cigarette, e-cigarettes, any other smoking product; smokeless or spit tobacco, also known as dip, chew, snuff, or snus in any form; and any other tobacco product or device not approved by the FDA for the strict purpose of tobacco cessation. Tobacco use is not allowed on SLU property.

  • Contact Information: For questions or concerns about parking at SLU, you can contact the Office of Parking, Card, and Transportation Services at 314-977-2957 or [email protected].

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