Soft and coproduct details, positive and negative ingredients or materials are discussed in different contexts in the search results. Here are the details:
Coproducts and Ingredients in Process Manufacturing: In process manufacturing, coproducts are produced by process steps that are defined for specific ingredients. Co-products are usually the main products that companies sell to customers. In the material list of the process order, the co-product indicator is set for co-product. You can enter a code that distinguishes standard components or ingredients from co-products, by-products, and intermediates. Co-products are (concurrent) end items as the result of a process. By-products are items that can be produced at any step of a process, but were not planned. Intermediate products are items defined as a.
Co-Product vs. By-Product: In the context of SAP, by-products are entered in the material list of a primary product or process material with a negative value. Co-products are indicated in the material list of the process order. The settlement rule contains one rule for the main product with an equivalence number of 1, and a settlement by amount (but no amount is displayed) of fixed price settlement to the fixed price co-product. When doing the good receipt in the PI sheet, the system proposes the header product as well as the co-product with fixed price. Both materials are received with movement type 101.
Positive and Negative Ingredients in Feminine Care: The Honey Pot, a feminine care brand, lists the ingredients used in their products. Some of the positive ingredients include cranberry antioxidant, cucumber fruit water, fennel oil, glycerin, lavender, lemon peel, magnesium, marshmallow root, menthol, and mineral salts. Some of the negative ingredients include alcohol, artificial fragrances, chlorine, dyes, parabens, and sulfates. The brand also uses coco glucoside, a natural, non-ionic, surfactant that is ultra-mild and gentle for sensitive skin.
Ingredients and Additives from Lemon By-Products: A review article discusses the functional ingredients and additives that can be obtained from lemon by-products and their applications in food preservation. The article mentions the chemical composition and antioxidant activity of crude polysaccharide from citron seed, dietary fibers from agroindustrial coproducts, and functionalized biscuits with bioactive ingredients obtained by citrus lemon pomace.
Ingredients and Materials in Feed Milling Processes: The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations discusses feed milling processes and the ingredients and materials used in them. Oils and water-miscible oil preparations are often added to dry ingredients as a source of energy or as a specific nutrient. Ingredients such as condensed fish or fermentation solubles, molasses, or fish oils are often premixed in a bowl type variable speed mixer, blending the liquid with dry ingredients. The texture of a soft feed mixture is changed from a meal-like material with bulk density approximately 0.4 g/cc, to a pellet with bulk density of 0.5 - 0.6 g/cc. Within the ring die, pressures of 75-600 kg/cm2 are attained. Feed mixtures containing large amounts of fibrous ingredients often result in pellets too hard for gastric breakdown and digestion in fish. On the other hand, high-fat feeds and an excess of moisture cause poor quality pellets.
Agro-Food Byproducts as a New Source of Natural Food Additives: A research article discusses how agro-food byproducts can be used as a new source of natural food additives...