true mirror review

true mirror review

1 year ago 42

A True Mirror is a non-reversing mirror that shows a true reflection. It is made by joining two first surface mirrors at a perfect, seamless 90-degree right angle. The resulting reflection is what we would actually see with our own eyes, unlike a regular mirror where left and right are reversed. Here are some details about True Mirrors:

  • Size: The 12x12 True Mirror is a popular size.

  • Quality: The True Mirror is seamless and optically correct, making it the only non-reversing mirror of its size and quality in the world.

  • Materials: The True Mirror is made of two first surface mirrors joined at a 90-degree angle. It is quality-built and handmade.

  • Uses: The True Mirror can be used for a variety of purposes, including self-reflection, communication, and personal growth. It has been installed in museums and used by therapists and other professionals.

  • Benefits: Many people have reported positive experiences with the True Mirror, including increased self-acceptance and self-love. However, some people may find it difficult to use at first, as it shows a true reflection that can be disorienting. With practice, however, many people find that they can use the True Mirror just as easily as a regular mirror.

In summary, a True Mirror is a non-reversing mirror that shows a true reflection. It is made of two first surface mirrors joined at a 90-degree angle and can be used for self-reflection, communication, and personal growth. While some people may find it difficult to use at first, many people report positive experiences with the True Mirror.

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