utrgv parking review

utrgv parking review

1 year ago 44

UTRGV Parking Services maintains an inventory of almost 11,000 parking spaces distributed across its various campuses, which are regulated through a system of permits and citations. The various classes and zone parking permits and their eligibility requirements, privileges, and limits are described in detail in Section 6 of the Parking Rules and Regulations document. Here are some details about UTRGV parking:


  • UTRGV offers an online system for purchasing permits, paying fines, and appealing citations.
  • Students attending classes after 4 PM can purchase an Evening Student parking permit at a discounted rate of $40.00 annually.
  • UTRGV is adding 240 Zone 2 parking spaces in Edinburg, and is in the planning stages of developing additional parking expansion options on the Edinburg campus and zone realignment on the Brownsville campus to better meet demand.
  • There have been no parking permit rate increases since 2018, and UTRGVs Zone 1 permit rate of $60 has not increased since UTRGVs inception in 2015.
  • UTRGV continuously analyzes supply and demand for parking spaces, redistributes spaces across zones depending on use, and recommends additions.


  • Any vehicle parked on University property must display a permit regardless of the time.
  • UTRGV has not built parking garages, but assesses supply and demand for parking on a continual basis. While it may become a necessity in the future, there are currently plenty of underutilized parking lots (Zone 1 specifically) .
  • The cost for construction of a parking garage, at minimum, would be in the neighborhood of $20,000 per space.


  • No information was found regarding the materials used in UTRGV parking facilities.


  • No information was found regarding the ingredients used in UTRGV parking facilities.
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