vitamin d deficiency symptoms review

vitamin d deficiency symptoms review

1 year ago 37

Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms

Vitamin D deficiency can be difficult to notice because symptoms may not occur for several months or years. Sometimes, you may have no symptoms at all. However, some of the most common symptoms of vitamin D deficiency include:

  • Frequent illness or infections
  • Fatigue and tiredness
  • Bone and back pain
  • Depression
  • Impaired wound healing
  • Bone loss
  • Hair loss
  • Muscle pain

In children, vitamin D deficiency causes rickets, a disease in which the bones become soft, weak, deformed, and painful. In teens and adults, vitamin D deficiency causes osteomalacia, a disorder that causes bone pain and muscle weakness.

Causes of Vitamin D Deficiency

There are several causes of vitamin D deficiency, including:

  • Limited exposure to sunlight
  • Inadequate dietary intake
  • Digestive tract disorders that affect absorption of vitamin D
  • Obesity
  • Certain medications
  • Smoking
  • Darker skin
  • Age

Health Risks of Vitamin D Deficiency

Low blood levels of vitamin D have been associated with several health risks, including:

  • Increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease
  • Cognitive impairment in older adults
  • Severe asthma in children
  • Cancer
  • Vascular dysfunction
  • Arterial stiffening
  • Left ventricular hypertrophy
  • Hyperlipidemia

Treatment of Vitamin D Deficiency

Treatment for vitamin D deficiency typically involves increasing vitamin D intake through supplements or dietary changes. The recommended daily intake of vitamin D varies depending on age and other factors, but most adults need at least 600-800 IU per day. Its important to talk to a doctor before taking any supplements, as excessive vitamin D intake can be harmful.

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