weight management clinic near me review

weight management clinic near me review

1 year ago 46

I found several search results related to weight management clinics and programs. Here are some key details from each:

  1. Medical Reducing Inc: This website does not provide much information about the clinics services or approach to weight management.

  2. Dietary Supplements for Weight Loss - Health Professional Fact Sheet: This fact sheet provides information on weight-loss dietary supplements, including summaries of research on the safety and efficacy of several supplements. The article cautions that many weight-loss supplements are costly, and some of these products’ ingredients can interact or interfere with certain medications. It is important to consider what is known—and not known—about each ingredient in any dietary supplement before using it.

  3. Weight-Loss and Maintenance Strategies - Weight Management - NCBI Bookshelf: This book chapter discusses weight-loss and maintenance strategies, including the importance of preventing unwanted weight gain from excess body fat.

  4. Weight Management Program | Obesity & Weight Loss - UCSF Health: This program offers customized plans to help adult patients achieve and maintain weight loss through nutrition and exercise. The program includes individual consultations and assessments of nutritional consumption, energy balance, lifestyle, and psychological factors that influence health and weight. The program tailors counseling as well as diet and activity plans to meet each persons goals and everyday realities.

  5. The Truth Behind Weight Loss Ads | Consumer Advice: This article warns about weight loss scams and false advertising. It advises consumers to be wary of products promising lightning-fast weight loss, as well as images showing dramatic weight loss that may be stock or altered photographs. The article also notes that FDA-approved fat-absorption blockers or appetite suppressants won’t result in weight loss on their own and that products promising such results are likely scams.

  6. Medical Weight Loss Program | Aurora Health Care: This program takes a safe and effective approach to weight management, with a team of board-certified bariatricians who deliver a comprehensive, multidisciplinary weight management approach. The approach includes development of an intensive plan with a focus on nutrition, exercise, behaviors, and medication. The team can include registered dietitians and nutritionists, exercise specialists, coaches, behavioral health specialists, primary care physicians, and bariatric surgeons for surgical weight loss options if needed.

Overall, it seems that weight management clinics and programs can vary widely in their approach and services. It is important to research and carefully consider any program or supplement before committing to it.

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