The term "sight" can have different meanings depending on the context. Here are some possible meanings:
The ability to see: Sight can refer to the physical sense by which light stimuli received by the eye are interpreted by the brain and constructed into a representation of the position, shape, brightness, and usually color of objects in space.
Something worth seeing: Sight can also refer to a thing regarded as worth seeing, usually used in plural, such as the sights of a city. In this sense, "a sight to see/behold" can mean an amazing or wonderful thing to see.
Something that looks outlandish or does not look good: The phrase "to look a sight" can refer to someone who looks outlandish or does not look good.
A great deal: The phrase "a sight" can also mean a great deal, as in "shes a sight too good for him".
An amazing or wonderful thing to see: The phrase "what a sight!" can either mean that something is great or beautiful, or it can mean that something shouldnt be like that, depending on the context.