what aboriginal land am i on

what aboriginal land am i on

1 year ago 119

To find out which Aboriginal land you are on, you can use the Native Land map. This map shows Indigenous territories, languages, lands, and ways of life across the world, including the past territories of Indigenous tribes. To use the map, you can type in your city, state, or ZIP code into the search bar to see which Indigenous communities resided there. The tool includes an option to apply “settler labels” to see how the map corresponds with today’s state borders. As users click on the names of Indigenous nations, they’ll find links to related readings. The map is available online and via the Native Land app for both iOS and Android.

Its important to note that many Indigenous people no longer live on lands to which they have ancestral ties, but they still sustain their sense of belonging to ancestral homelands and protect these connections through Indigenous languages, oral traditions, ceremonies, and other forms of cultural expression. Additionally, in Australia, the term "country" is often used by Aboriginal peoples to describe the lands, waterways, and seas to which they are connected.

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