what age do kids lose their first tooth

what age do kids lose their first tooth

1 year ago 41

Children usually start losing their baby teeth around the age of 6 or 7, but every child is unique and some may lose their first tooth as early as 4 years old or as late as 7 years old. Girls usually shed their teeth a little younger than boys. Children have 20 baby teeth, which dentists call primary teeth, and they will lose all of these to make room for permanent teeth. The timeline for losing baby teeth varies, but in general, you can expect the first baby teeth to fall out around age 6 and the last to fall out around age 12. The order in which baby teeth fall out tends to follow a first in, first out schedule, with the front bottom teeth, or lower central incisors, often being the first baby teeth a child loses, followed by the upper front teeth, or upper central incisors. Here is a general timeline for losing baby teeth:

  • Central incisors: 6-8 years old
  • Lateral incisors: 7-9 years old
  • Canines: 8-12 years old
  • First premolars: 9-11 years old
  • Second premolars: 10-12 years old

Its important to note that there isnt necessarily a "problem" with early or late tooth loss unless it becomes painful or irritating to the child. In some cases, baby teeth will stick around longer than they should as permanent teeth erupt, which can throw off the directional growth of the permanent tooth causing long-term dental issues that require braces. If a child loses a tooth before the age of 4, its possible that the adult tooth may not grow in proper alignment, so its a good idea to check in with a dentist if this happens.

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