what age do you stop burping babies

what age do you stop burping babies

1 year ago 52

Most babies will outgrow the need to be burped by 4-6 months of age, but its more about their physical development than their age. Once babies are able to move around more independently, they are more likely to be able to relieve gas on their own because they are able to move around more independently. Some signs that a baby is ready to stop burping include:

  • The baby doesnt seem to burp even when youre trying.
  • The baby is perfectly content after and between feedings when not burped.
  • The baby is able to relieve their own gas through movement, such as sitting up or rolling over.

Its important to note that every baby is different, and some may need to be burped until about 6 months, while others may be able to relieve their own gas by 3-4 months. If a baby has not successfully burped after a few minutes of trying, its okay to switch methods or give up and continue with the feeding.

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