what age to potty train a girl

what age to potty train a girl

1 year ago 54

The age to potty train a girl varies depending on the childs individual readiness, both physically and cognitively. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, most children in the United States are bowel and bladder trained by 4 years of age, but toilet training can begin as soon as parents and children want to start. In general, children show signs of bladder and bowel control between 18 and 24 months of age, and toilet training may come up during childrens 18-month, 2-year, 2½-year, and 3-year well-child visits. Here are some signs that a child may be developmentally ready to begin the toilet training process:

  • Is dry at least 2 hours at a time during the day or is dry after naps
  • Shows signs they are about to pee or poop, like grunting, freezing, or squatting
  • Can follow simple instructions
  • Can walk to and from the bathroom and help undress themselves
  • Does not like to be in wet diapers and wants to be changed
  • Asks to use the toilet or potty-chair
  • Asks to wear "big-kid" underwear

Its important to note that some children may not be ready until theyre 3 years old or a bit older. Theres no set age for potty training girls, but the task will be easier if the child is interested and ready. Parents can help empower their children to be in control of their own toilet training and keep the process positive and fun.

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