what agencies are not affected by government shutdown

what agencies are not affected by government shutdown

1 year ago 39

During a government shutdown, many federal agencies and services are affected, but some remain operational. Here are the agencies and services that are not affected by a government shutdown:

  • U.S. Postal Service: The U.S. Postal Service is an independent entity that is funded through the sale of its products and services, and not by tax dollars.

  • Social Security: During a government shutdown, recipients continue to receive their Social Security checks.

  • Medicare and Medicaid: The operations of Medicare and Medicaid will operate normally during the shutdown.

  • Military: The two million U.S. military personnel would remain at their posts, but roughly half of the Pentagons 800,000 civilian employees would be furloughed.

  • Federal law enforcement: Federal law enforcement agents, including Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents, would remain on the job.

  • Air traffic control and TSA: Air traffic controllers and Transportation Security Administration (TSA) officers would remain on the job.

  • Veterans Affairs: All Veterans Affairs (VA) medical facilities and clinics will remain operational. The VA will continue to process veterans’ benefits.

  • USDA crop subsidy programs: Crop subsidy programs would continue, as would meat, egg and fruit and vegetable inspections.

  • Federal Emergency Management Agency: Most employees of the Federal Emergency Management Agency would remain on the job, but the agency would risk running out of funds for disaster relief and long-term recovery projects.

  • Federal Housing Administration: The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) will stop insuring some new mortgages and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) will stop processing some new loans. The Department of Agriculture (USDA) will stop new loan and loan guarantee activity. The VA will continue to guarantee home loans.

It is important to note that the specific agencies and services affected by a government shutdown depend on the details of the funding legislation in effect at the time of the shutdown.

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