what amish holiday is today

what amish holiday is today

1 year ago 39

Based on the search results, there are a few Amish holidays that are celebrated today, October 30, 2023. However, it is important to note that not all Amish communities celebrate the same holidays, and some may not celebrate any holidays at all. Here are the holidays that are mentioned in the search results:

  • Ascension Day: This holiday occurs 40 days after Easter and celebrates Jesus’ ascension into heaven. The Amish celebrate this day as a time for solemn reflection and prayer.

  • Second Christmas: This holiday is celebrated on December 26th and is a time for relaxing or visiting with extended family. The Amish share another big meal together, but everyone brings a dish so the women don’t have to spend another afternoon preparing more food in the kitchen. The rest of the day is spent singing Christmas songs, reading scripture, and spending quality time together.

  • Pentecost: This holiday is celebrated 50 days after Easter and commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ. The Amish may observe this holiday, but it may not be celebrated in all communities.

It is possible that there are other Amish holidays that are celebrated today, but these are the ones that are mentioned in the search results.

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