Different animals have different levels of sensitivity to smell, and some animals have a much better sense of smell than others. Here are some animals with the best sense of smell in the animal kingdom:
African Elephant: Recent studies have found that the African elephant has the strongest sense of smell in the animal kingdom. They have more smell receptors in their noses than any other animal, and they can detect scents from up to 2.5 miles away.
Bear: Bears have an excellent sense of smell, and their sense of smell is 300 times better than humans. They have more smell receptors than any other land animal, and the scent-detecting portion of a grizzly’s nose is a hundred times bigger than that of a human.
Bloodhound: Bloodhounds are often referred to as a nose attached to a dog since these pooches have an incredible sense of smell. They have 2,100 times better sense than a human’s.
Great White Shark: The great white shark reportedly has the largest olfactory bulb of all sharks, which should follow that it has the best sense of smell among sharks.
African Giant Pouched Rats: These rats have been trained to detect landmines and tuberculosis with their sense of smell. They can detect the scent of TNT from up to 3 feet underground.
Basset Hound: These dogs have a serious sense of smell. They are small and lie low on the ground, which makes them well adapted to following trails. Their huge ears sweep the ground and bring the scent upward to their nose. The wrinkly skin around the face and neck trap the smell and help keep the scent close as it follows a trail.
Polar Bear: Polar bears can smell a seal through 3 feet of ice, and male polar bears have been known to trek a hundred miles following the scent of a sexually receptive sow.
Rodents: Certain species of rodents, such as the African giant pouched rats, have an excellent sense of smell. They have been trained to detect landmines and tuberculosis with their sense of smell.
Snakes: Snakes have a highly developed sense of smell, but they dont use their noses for this. Instead, they "taste the air" with their tongues, using the damp surface to catch scent particles and carry them to a special organ in the mouth called Jacobsons organ, where they can be identified as food or danger.
Elephant Seal: Elephant seals have a highly developed sense of smell, which they use to locate food in the ocean. They can detect the scent of krill from up to 1.6 kilometers away.
In conclusion, the African elephant has the strongest sense of smell in the animal kingdom, followed by bears, bloodhounds, great white sharks, African giant pouc...