what animals dont sleep

what animals dont sleep

1 year ago 29

There are several animals that dont sleep, or at least dont sleep in the traditional sense. Here are some examples from the search results:

  • Dolphins: Newborn dolphins dont sleep for a month after birth and stay alert with at least one eye open at all times. They can even swim while sleeping.

  • Bullfrogs: Bullfrogs stay awake and alert even when they seem to be resting. These frogs dont sleep for a major period in a year and even when they rest after this, its not complete sleep.

  • Fruit Flies: Female fruit flies exhibit brief sleep durations, with an average of 72 minutes per day. Some flies have been observed sleeping for as little as 4 minutes daily.

  • Jellyfish: According to a study in 2017, jellyfish enter into a situation which is a sleep-like state. During this, their activity decreases and they have slower responsiveness to stimuli.

  • Great Frigatebirds: Like dolphins, great frigatebirds can engage in unihemispheric sleep. However, unlike dolphins, they use this strategy as needed.

  • Bluefish: Bluefish are a high migratory species that seasonally move along the US Atlantic Coast. They stop sleeping during their migration period.

  • Alpine Swift: Scientific name Tachymarptis melba, these birds have incredible migration habits and can fly continuously for 200 days straight.

  • Upside-down Jellyfish: These jellyfish dont have a brain, but instead have a network of sensors and tentacles that help them feed on tiny sea creatures and zooplankton. They technically cant sleep since they dont have a brain.

Its worth noting that some animals, such as certain species of sharks and whales, dont sleep in the traditional sense, but they are able to keep one-half of their brain activity while the other half sleeps. Some species of birds and fish also sleep with one-half of their brain.

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