what animals live in the rainforest

what animals live in the rainforest

1 year ago 38

Rainforests are home to a diverse population of plants and animals, with around 50% of the worlds land-dwelling plants and animals found in these ecosystems. Rainforest animals can be found in one of the four environments: emergent layer, canopy, the understory, or rainforest floor. Here are some examples of animals that live in the rainforest:

  • Mountain Gorilla: The largest living primate on earth, they live primarily on the lush mountain sides of national parks in Rwanda, Uganda, and the Democratic Republic of Congo in Central Africa.

  • Blue Morpho Butterfly: A beautiful butterfly that can be found in the rainforest canopy.

  • Okapi: A unique animal that looks like a cross between a giraffe and a zebra, they can be found in the rainforest understory.

  • Scarlet Macaw: A striking, large parrot with bright red plumage and brilliant blue and yellow wing feathers, they can be found in the rainforest canopy.

  • Jaguar: The largest of all cats in America and the third-largest cat in the world, they move quietly through the undergrowth of the rainforest floor with their padded paws.

  • Sloth: A slow-moving animal that spends most of its life hanging upside down from trees in the rainforest canopy.

  • Capaybara: The largest rodent in the world, they can be found in the rainforest floor.

  • Howler Monkey: One of the loudest animals in the rainforest, their cries can be heard through 3 miles of rainforest.

  • Gorilla: Members of the great ape family, they can be found in the rainforest understory.

  • Poison Dart Frog: A brightly colored frog that can be found in the rainforest understory, they are known for their toxic skin secretions.

These are just a few examples of the many animals that live in the rainforest. The rainforest is home to a wide variety of animal life, including insects and larger animals that inhabit the rainforest floor.

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