Rainforests are home to a diverse population of plants and animals, with around 50% of the worlds land-dwelling plants and animals found in these ecosystems. Rainforest animals can be found in one of the four environments: emergent layer, canopy, the understory, or rainforest floor. Here are some examples of animals that live in the rainforest:
Mountain Gorilla: The largest living primate on earth, they live primarily on the lush mountain sides of national parks in Rwanda, Uganda, and the Democratic Republic of Congo in Central Africa.
Blue Morpho Butterfly: A beautiful butterfly that can be found in the rainforest canopy.
Okapi: A unique animal that looks like a cross between a giraffe and a zebra, they can be found in the rainforest understory.
Scarlet Macaw: A striking, large parrot with bright red plumage and brilliant blue and yellow wing feathers, they can be found in the rainforest canopy.
Jaguar: The largest of all cats in America and the third-largest cat in the world, they move quietly through the undergrowth of the rainforest floor with their padded paws.
Sloth: A slow-moving animal that spends most of its life hanging upside down from trees in the rainforest canopy.
Capaybara: The largest rodent in the world, they can be found in the rainforest floor.
Howler Monkey: One of the loudest animals in the rainforest, their cries can be heard through 3 miles of rainforest.
Gorilla: Members of the great ape family, they can be found in the rainforest understory.
Poison Dart Frog: A brightly colored frog that can be found in the rainforest understory, they are known for their toxic skin secretions.
These are just a few examples of the many animals that live in the rainforest. The rainforest is home to a wide variety of animal life, including insects and larger animals that inhabit the rainforest floor.