what apps use dynamic island

what apps use dynamic island

1 year ago 97

Here are some apps that use Dynamic Island:

  1. Slopes (Free with In-App Purchases)
  2. Flighty
  3. Steps - Activity Tracker
  4. FotMob - Live soccer scores
  5. CardPointers - Credit card reward tracking
  6. Just Press Record - Audio recording
  7. Apple Music
  8. Spotify
  9. YouTube Music
  10. Amazon Music
  11. Audible
  12. Overcast
  13. NPR One
  14. Stitcher
  15. Soundcloud
  16. Pandora
  17. Hit The Island (Free)
  18. TV Remote - Universal Remote (Free)
  19. Sticky Timers and Countdowns (Free)
  20. Forest: Focus for Productivity ($3.99)
  21. Posture Pal - Improve & Alert (Free)
  22. Apollo for Reddit
  23. Dynamic Notch: Wallpaper App

Dynamic Island is a feature available on iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max models that allows apps to display information at the top of the screen. It can be used in two ways: tapping on it launches the app currently using Dynamic Island, while long-pressing it provides more information about the app. While most native iOS apps support Dynamic Island, third-party apps are also modifying their UI to play along and will release new updated versions soon.

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