Cardinal directions are the four main points of a compass: north, south, east, and west. They are also known as cardinal points and are commonly denoted by their initials N, S, E, and W respectively. The four cardinal directions correspond to the following degrees of a compass: North (N): 0° = 360°, East (E): 90°, South (S): 180°, and West (W): 270°. Cardinal directions are used on maps of the entire world, as well as maps showing a single country, states, cities, and even just one small area in a town. They are displayed on a map using a compass rose, which uses the first letter of each direction or N, E, S, W. Ordinal directions refer to the direction found at the point equally between each cardinal direction. Ordinal directions are northeast (NE), southeast (SE), southwest (SW), and northwest (NW). Ordinal directions are also known as intercardinal directions. Directions midway between each cardinal and ordinal direction are referred to as secondary intercardinal directions. Examples of secondary intercardinal directions are NNW, NNE, and ENE.