Cat whiskers are highly sensitive hairs made of keratin, a protein also found in their claw sheaths. Whiskers are also called vibrissae or tactile hair, and they are embedded deeper in the cats skin than their fur, and each follicle (where the whisker connects to your cats body) has many sensitive nerve endings. Each whisker is attached to a muscle, allowing the cat to control its movement. Whiskers are not just hair, but honed tools connected to one of your cats five senses: touch. They help a cat with spatial determination, expressing their feelings, and locating their prey. Whiskers allow a cat to "see" in the dark because the whiskers pick up on the airflow around them, allowing them to detect their intended object down to its exact location and dimensions. Cat whiskers are made of keratin, a fibrous protein also found in hair, nails, and even feathers.