what are congruent figures

what are congruent figures

1 year ago 35

Congruent figures are geometric figures that have the same shape and size. In simple words, if two figures can be put exactly over each other, they are said to be congruent. Another definition of congruence is that if one of the figures can be obtained after a series of rigid motions of the other, the figures are said to be congruent. This means that the sides and angles of both these figures are exactly the same. Angles of these congruent figures with the same measure are called congruent angles, and sides of these congruent figures that have the same measure are called congruent sides. Congruent figures can be polygons, circles, or any other geometric shape. Congruent figures can be transformed into each other by a sequence of translations, rotations, and/or reflections. It is important to note that congruent figures are not the same as similar figures, which have the same shape but different sizes.

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