what are dry measuring cups used for

what are dry measuring cups used for

1 year ago 36

Dry measuring cups are used to measure dry ingredients such as flour, sugar, and spices. They are designed to be filled to the top and then leveled off with a straight edge, ensuring an accurate measurement. It is important to use dry measuring cups for dry ingredients because they are designed to hold the exact amount of the ingredient specified in the recipe, and using a liquid measuring cup could result in an incorrect measurement. Liquid measuring cups, on the other hand, are designed to measure liquid ingredients such as milk, water, and oil. They have a pour spout and are made to be filled to the gradations on the side of the cup, rather than being filled to the top. Using the correct measuring cup for each ingredient is crucial to producing perfect baked goods every time, as baking is finicky and too much or too little of an ingredient can negatively impact the texture of the final product.

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