Duraflame logs are made of a scientific blend of sawdust, wax, and unique fibers. The sawdust and other recycled ingredients work together with the wax to create a mixture that acts like a candle, where the sawdust particles act like a wick, and the wax acts as the fuel. The sawdust used is often commercial wood waste from manufacturers, or waste agricultural biomass (nut shells, fruit pits, etc.); additionally, bio-wax may be used in lieu of paraffin (petroleum-based wax) . Duraflame logs are designed to burn one at a time with a controlled burn rate that burns the external surface area of the log slowly exposing more internal fuel as the log burns. Burning firelogs produces 80 percent fewer fine particles and 75 percent less carbon monoxide than burning regular wood logs, and independent studies verify these claims. Duraflame logs are also environmentally friendly, as they consume 80% less material than a comparable duration wood fire, and burning firelogs instead of wood results in significantly fewer trees cut down for use as firewood.