what are elephant tusks made of

what are elephant tusks made of

1 year ago 40

Elephant tusks are made of ivory, which is a hard, dense, bony tissue composed mainly of dentine, one of the physical structures of teeth and tusks. The whole tusk is wrapped in enamel, the hardest animal tissue and the part of the tusk that manages the most wear and tear. The visible, ivory part of the tusk is made of dentine with an outer layer of enamel. Elephant tusks are actually massive teeth that protrude well beyond the mouths of elephants. They are elongated incisor teeth and are essentially no different from other teeth. One third of an elephants tusk is hidden from view and is embedded deep in the elephant’s head. This part of the elephant’s tusks is a pulp cavity made up of nerves, tissues, and blood. Elephants use their tusks for a variety of tasks, including digging, lifting objects, gathering food, stripping bark from trees to eat, and defense. They also protect the trunk, which is another valuable tool for drinking, breathing, and eating, among other uses.

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