Gradient lenses are a type of sunglass lens where the tint varies from the top to the bottom of the lens. The top of the lens is darker and gradually fades to a lighter tint or no tint at the bottom. Gradient lenses are created by adding a metal oxide to the lens material to create the difference in tones. There are two types of gradient lenses: single gradient lenses and double gradient lenses. Single gradient lenses have a darker shade on the top and a lighter shade on the bottom, while double gradient lenses have darker tints on the top and bottom of the lens with a lighter tint in the middle.
Gradient lenses are designed to limit the intensity of the suns rays while giving you the option to look through a lighter part of the lens. They are helpful when driving, where you need to look outside while still being able to read your dashboard. The difference in lighting between outside and inside your car can make it hard to see darker areas when wearing sunglasses with only one shade. Gradient lenses are also practical as they provide protection from the suns blinding glare while allowing you to still see things clearly, especially within low-light settings. They are great for transitioning from dark to light environments or from moving inside to out; the two tones reduce distorting color contrasts and clarity and avoid you having to remove or switch glasses.