what are grits

what are grits

1 year ago 30

Grits are a dish made from ground corn, typically from less sweet, starchy varieties often referred to as dent corn. They are a staple in Southern cuisine and were originally consumed by Native Americans. Grits can be made from either yellow or white corn and are often labeled accordingly. There are different varieties of grits, including hominy grits, which are made from corn that has been soaked in an alkaline solution (often lime or lye) which softens the hull. The hull is removed, and the kernels are then dried and stone ground. Heirloom grits are made from different varieties of corn, so you might come across blue grits, made from blue corn, or Bloody Butcher grits, named for the variety of the dent corn’s burgundy-to-red hue.

Grits are often paired with flavorful ingredients, such as butter, sugar, syrups, cheeses, and meats like bacon, shrimp, and catfish. They are typically cooked in milk, water, or broth until they reach a thick, creamy consistency. Grits can be eaten like porridge for breakfast or to accompany bacon and eggs, for lunch or dinner as a side dish, or as a base for other meals.

Grits are a practical and economic pantry staple that can feed a crowd or be served as a goes-with-just-about-everything side. They are also a versatile starch with a neutral canvas that readily takes on other flavors. Grits are a good source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, and are particularly rich in iron and B vitamins.

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