what are gu pots

what are gu pots

1 year ago 37

Gü pots are glass ramekins that are used to package desserts made by Gü, a dessert manufacturing company based in the UK. The desserts come in various styles, including cheesecakes, puddings, and tortes, in various flavors. The reusable glass jars are a distinctive feature of Gü desserts and are too gorgeous to recycle. Some people have found creative ways to reuse the jars, such as using them as snack pots, treat dishes for small pets, or to hold small items like change, beads, or nicknacks. Others have used them to make fat ball type bird feeders or to plant tiny succulent cuttings. Gü pots are made to be recycled, and they can also be donated to charity or hedgehog rescue organizations that use them as food and water bowls.

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