what are logos pathos and ethos

what are logos pathos and ethos

1 year ago 42

Logos, ethos, and pathos are modes of persuasion used to convince audiences. They are also referred to as the three artistic proofs, and were first introduced by Aristotle in ancient Greece. Here is a breakdown of each mode:

  • Logos: This mode appeals to the audiences reason and logic. It is used to convince an audience by using facts, statistics, analogies, and citing authorities on a subject. Logos can be developed by using advanced, theoretical or abstract language, and constructing a clear and logical argument.

  • Ethos: This mode appeals to the speaker's credibility or authority on a subject. It is used to establish the speaker's character and expertise, and to make the audience more likely to trust them. Ethos can be developed by using language that is appropriate for the audience, citing sources, and establishing common ground with the audience.

  • Pathos: This mode appeals to the audience's emotions, and is used to make the audience feel a certain way about a subject. It can be developed by using meaningful language, emotional tone, emotion-evoking examples, stories of emotional events, and implied meanings. Pathos is often used to make the audience feel angry, sympathetic, or inspired.

Collectively, these three modes are sometimes called the rhetorical triangle, and are central to rhetorical analysis. They are used in all forms of writing and speaking, whether we are aware of them or not. By learning to recognize logos, ethos, and pathos, we can better understand how persuasive messages are constructed and how to construct our own persuasive messages.

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